Last updated 3 months ago
in no particular order, made by @piv_piv
Who wore it better?
Suprematist composition with printscreens of Phunk 9517
Suprematist Composition with Phunk Clown Nose
Abstract composition with Phunk clown nose and eye
Composition with Phunk eye
Man With a Movie Camera - Dziga Vertov
Left: Cropped CryptoPhunk 7258, background color edited on the website Right: Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait with Platinum Bouffant Wig, 1981
Left: Slightly rotated mole of Phunk 961 Right: Suprematist Composition: White on White by Kazimir Malevich, 1918
The Blair Witch Project
After Man Ray - made with two printscreens, one of Phunk 118 and one of Punk 658.
Andy. Original pictures by Duane Michals.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
After 'Glass Tears' by Man Ray (update) Man Ray used small glass beads as tears so I used the color of glass (glasses) from the Phunks for the tears.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain
Kill Bill
A Clockwork Orange
Punk and Phunks skiing down a mountain
Phunk 0413 as Vegetable Seller
Punk 324 holds a mirror next to her face Phunks
Pointing mirror guy
Picasso, Villa Californie, CANNES , c.1953 by André Villers
Picasso’s Eyes, 1957 by David Douglas Duncan
Jan van Eyck Phunk
Self Portrait with Masks, 1899 James Ensor
Group Portrait of the Amsterdam Shooting Corporation, 1532 by Dirck Jacobsz
Three-headed Christ
Where's the Phunk? -after 'Where's Wally?'
Albert Einstein
the Chad
Groucho Marx attribute
Who wore it better? Scrambled Phunk pixels vs. 4900 Colours (Gerhard Richter)
Two suprematist compositions with Phunk parts
A Dictionary of P(h)unk Color Combinations
Left: Phunks & Punks with shading Right: Salome with the Head of John the Baptist by Caravaggio, 1607.